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A word about flood insurance

There is no such thing as a no risk flood zone! There are only high-risk areas and low-risk areas.

We talk about flood insurance a lot, and we’re talking about it again since we are in the peak of hurricane season. I’m sure you saw all the coverage of the destruction caused by Laura.

However, floods aren’t just caused by a hurricane storm surge. Rising water from any source counts as flood. If you have a really heavy rain that causes water to pool up in your yard and flow into your home, that is considered a flood.

And flood damage isn’t covered by your homeowner’s policy!

Even if you live in a low-risk zone that doesn’t require flood insurance, you may wish to consider purchasing a policy anyway. The good news is that if you aren’t in a high-risk zone, then a flood policy is inexpensive. Time is of the essence, since a new flood policy typically doesn’t take effect until 30 days after you sign up.

If you aren’t sure what type of zone you’re in, the Chatham County Find My Floodzone on SAGIS can help.

If you are in a high-risk zone, it may be possible for a surveyor to do a detailed flood elevation certificate to lower your risk.

As always, if you have any questions please give us a call at 912-507-8062 or send us an email. If needed, we can refer you to a local insurance agent or surveyor.