Time for flood insurance

Originally published 4/26/2018

Hurricane season starts June 1st! Now is the time to review your flood insurance needs – because most policies have a 30 day waiting period before coverage starts. If there is a hurricane headed our way, it’s too late to get coverage.

Weather researchers at Colorado State University are forecasting an above average season, with a 63% chance of a major hurricane making landfall! 

Click Here for the full report.

Remember that your homeowner’s insurance DOES NOT cover flood damage!

Remember as well that hurricanes aren’t the only source of flooding. Any source of rising water, even heavy rainfall, can cause flood damage.  In fact, 20% of claims come from moderate to low risk zones.

Facts and Myths About Flood Insurance

Should you buy flood insurance?

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Daniels Team if you have any questions about flood insurance.